Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Curse of The Plastic Circle: Why You Need to Escape!

“Work” seems to have quite a different meaning than it did thousands, if not hundreds of years ago. People used to rise when the sun did, and begin the tasks associated with daily survival. Food had to be gathered and prepared, shelter had to be built or repaired, children had to be cared for. No one rolled over in their cave and begged for five more minutes of sleep, if they wanted it, they simply took it. Time was spent outdoors, moving around, sometimes slowly, sometimes at a rapid pace. There was no schedule, there was no plan. Life simply WAS. You did what you had to to survive, but it never felt like our modern definition of “the workplace.”

Now, things are much different. We live by a plastic numbered circle hanging on the wall. We pry ourselves from sleep when we aren’t ready to wake up in many cases. We get in our cars, pedal to the medal, better get on the road before the dreaded plastic hands click just one notch too far to the right, and we risk losing our job. Job. We no longer NEED to gather and find food or build shelter, and we pass the kids off to someone else. The majority of us then enter a building for at least 8 hours ( that’s 8 times around The Plastic Circle!) where we often sit, no sun in view, and complete our daily tasks. Maybe today, we finished everything by 11AM. Too bad. There are still six cycles of the pointers around The Plastic Circle before we may leave, and do as we please.

Given today economic climate, we should be grateful to have these “jobs”. And in most cases, unless we are completely irrational, we are. We realize we need money rather than muscle to obtain food and shelter and child care. And therein lies the sad part. Somewhere along the line, we seem to have decided, that the physical work of getting these things for ourselves, was crap. We didn't want to do it. Sitting at a desk or standing at a register became supposedly better then braving the elements, having to move, having to think and stratagize. Most people accept this new societal norm. They don't really question it, although most complain (some more than others!). We know we will grow up, and get a job in a nice building (if we're lucky, these days) complete our tasks, go home, repeat. For 40 + years. We'll take pity on those that harvest our food, and build our houses. Good thing we don't have to do anything that hard.

Some people, have made their peace with it. They are happy, they are fulfilled. This, is excellent. Isn't the goal for any life, to be a happy one? But then there will be others, who have a desire for something different. Some of those will ignore it. Others, will take action. Perhaps in the starting of their own business, or a financially risky move into a different work position that would bring them more fulfillment. In the end I've never heard of anyone that regretted these changes. Changes that allowed more freedom less invisible ropes imposed by time. Along with these choices, come increased responsibility. You no longer have everything provided. You may have to gather for yourself. You may have to outsmart the other hunters. Scary right?

Yes. But if there is any amount of unrest in you, if you ever at all for one second wonder if there’s something else for you, the answer is yes. This isn’t the answer for everyone. You may find 100% joy in what you are doing. If so, GREAT keep doing it, until you don’t. ( If ever). Then change it. You and you alone can change it. No matter how hard it seems, no time, you have kids, you're broke, you just can't. Do something. Every day. No matter how small. Apply for that new job. Research starting a business. Instead of watching another episode of Dancing With the Starts tonight, read up on your dreams and how to get there. Stop thinking its not for you. It is. Why NOT you? Is there something genetically superior about the other guy over there living your dream? Nope. He just made the choice to act. I too, have made the choice to act. So far in this business endeavor, I don't regret a thing. I feel alive invigorated and excited! Is it hard? Oh yeah. Is there a long way to go? Soooo long. Would I ever stop? Hell no. Am I more grateful than ever for what job I already have at the same time? More than ever.

So there you have it, a little insight into why I'm following a dream I've had essentially forever, starting my own freelance graphic design business, Tamara Morrison Graphics You too, can start whatever it is you REALLY want to do, right now. Even if you just Google it to start! Do it today. Or take option two, and wait till tomorrow. Or next month. Or until 2023. If you're gonna wait that long, I hope you bought a really nice Plastic Circle to watch.

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